Hot Tapping Service
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Hot Tapping Procedures:
A. Saddle or weld nozzle installed, valve installed, assembly pressure tested and tapping machine attached. Here are some example of some pipeline hot tapping fittings, saddles and sleeves.
B. Valve opened, hot tap completed, coupon or cut portion retained by latches on pilot drill. Pressure is contained within the tapping machine. Here is a great example of a 36" Hottap coupon retained before we completed the 54" Linestop.
C. Cutter and coupon retracted and valve closed. Fluid is drained and tapping machine is removed. The tapped valve is now ready for the contractor’s tie-in or IFT’s Linestop service equipment to be inserted.
Typical Tapping Angles: Straight Tap, Angle Tap and Elbow Tap as seen in the image diagram on this page.
Adding new connections or tie-ins
Adding branch connections to existing pipelines without interrupting service is our specialty. Capabilities: 1/2" - 96" on water, gas, steam, air, and chemicals. Available for any type of pipe, with complete turnkey service available. IFT specializes in large diameter connections and examples can be seen on our Featured Work Page.
Hot tapping, wettaps, hottaps, or pressure tapping is the method of making a connection, or tying into, existing pipe or vessels without interrupting the system. Pipeline tapping is also the first procedure in line stopping, where the hole saw is used to make an opening in the pipe, so a line plugging head can be inserted. IFT's hot tapping services include tapping 1/2" to 96" on natural gas, water, sewage, steam, petroleum products, and chemicals.
To get a quote for your Hot/Wet tapping needs, with or without a valve, call IFT 1-800-221-3332 or use our free quote form.
IFT as been a top hot tapping contractor for over 37+ years and would love to help you with any of your pipeline needs. We offer free quotes and free phone support. Call today 1-800-221-3332. IFT is a high standard hot tapping company that will make sure your job is complete right with coupon retention.
IFT as been a top hot tapping contractor for over 37+ years and would love to help you with any of your pipeline needs. We offer free quotes and free phone support. Call today 1-800-221-3332. IFT is a high standard hot tapping company that will make sure your job is complete right with coupon retention.
Hot Tapping Cut Sheets PDF's
24" x 24" Hot Tap
Hot Tapping Slideshow Video
Wall Tank Vessel Hottaps