Live Air-Valve Replacement Installation Services

“Live” Air-Valve Replacements
Forcemain & Pump-station Leak Consulting & Locating
- Turnkey Leak Evaluation
- Leak Repair
- Pump Station Bypass / Valve Replacements & Emergency Pipeline Management
- 37+ Years in Leak Resolutions
- Offices East & West Coasts
Contact today or Tomorrow!
Exclusive Dutch Finger by InternationalFlow™ allows:
- Air-Valve Replacements under pressure without a shut down of system.
- Branch Valve replacements without shut down of system.
- Branch tapping saddle replacements without shutdown of main line.
- Services include replacement of valves, Hottaps, Linestops, InsertingValves, PipeFreezing and turn-key Bypassing.
- Projects include replacements on Sewage force-mains, water systems, chemical lines, heating systems, and cooling systems.
- Trained to sniff out problems with the backing to fix them.
- Call us today for an evaluation! 1-800-221-3332
OR Call
Office hours 7:30 – 5:00 Central time
Nationwide: 1-800-221-3332
Emergency Services Available .