Pipeline By-Passing:
IFT can bypass a section of pipe, without an interruption of its flow. IFT provides the most advanced line stopping and bypassing service available today! Sizes from 1/2" - 48" on any type of pipeline. When the City of San Diego needed an isolation valve installed in a sewer force main, that could not be shut down, they contacted IFT. Installation of the valve and tee was provided while maintaining full protection of the environment. This 14" transite main was line stopped with a built-in 8" bypass to continue service. Once the valve was installed, the bypass and line stopping equipment were removed.
Advanced Pipe By-Pass Services
Indoor Line Bypassing - IFT uses various types of line stopping equipment for bypassing. IFT is the leader for indoor bypassing services. We can bypass your manufacturing plant’s piping systems, allowing modifications to be solved without stopping the flow. Get a quote for your indoor, outdoor, underground or above, high pressure, or hazardous Line Stopping needs. Call IFT 1-800-221-3332.